Blaze is a 2 year old Rat Terrier from Danville. She is awfully spoiled and follows Tamara everywhere she goes. She’s been a guest at the farm a number of times and makes herself right at home. She sleeps with Tamara and loves to get under the covers.
Blazes mommy, Darlene told us an interesting story about Blaze. One day her husband came home from work to let Blaze out to go potty. When he walked into the house Blaze went crazy barking and acting strangely. She kept going to the closet barking until he opened the door and saw the water heater smoking and starting to flame. Had he not gone there or had Blaze not brought this to his attention they would have lost everything they own including their beloved Blaze. Thank God!
Click the video player to see her. I have not figured out how to edit or rotate the camera yet but you can see what a fun personality she has.
Meet Blaze