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Oddjob, Cherry, Piper & Riley – The Fantastic Four

These are 4 perfect dogs. Oddjob (Golden Retriever) & Cherry (Boarder  Collie) live together.  Oddjob LOVES to play fetch  so anytime a human is present he gets the ball and brings it to you. He could do this  50 times a day, I’m sure. Cherry is very affectionate and sweet.
The two mixes Riley & Piper live together and are here for an extended stay. As you can see in the first part of the video Piper is very vocal! I have tired to get video of these two for several weeks which is almost impossible as you’ll see in the second half of the video. They NEVER stay still when there is a human around. They love to play and are very affectionate. Piper is a lap dog and Riley loves to lay her head on your lap and get kissed all over her face.
All four dogs are excellent dogs.

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